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Why do people argue over sales figures on their console of choice. Does it make them feel better about who they are? Are they that insecure that they need to know that the item they purchased is more popular than the one they didn't? In all reality, do they argue over their choice of toaster, refrigerator or can opener? Isn't it just about having fun? Don't they not realize that there is different consoles for a reason and that they appeal to different people with different entertainment needs?


Most importantly, people will argue that "their console needs to sell to insure better games arrive". So what has this got to do with consistently becoming obsessed with bashing a console you don't own, only because it's in competition with the one you bought in a business sense. Do you work for Microsoft, Sony or Nintendo? If not, then why do you care? Hating one of the above and ranting and raving about them, wishing they went out of business is not going to do anything good except possibly lose someone their job, when the media realizes that they can make money off of people like these crazy fanboys who read their hate filled messages.