DolPhanTendo said:
Sigh, the PS4 got EXCLUSIVE MARKETING AND BUNDLES, in Europe atleast. The graphs are still not updated breaking down Europe numbers, check your eyes and realize that the list in OP is for US. The PS4 versions of multiplats sell the most, that is a fact. PS4 has been constantly undertracked except 1 month in the US, while the Xbone was sometimes overtracked by 100 percent, that is a fact. The PS4 version of Watch Dogs is the superior version, another fact: Xbone is getting a 399 sku in 2 weeks. Last fact: the PS4 has seen a 96 percent boost in the UK, that is something vgchartz take into account.
I dunno why you still think Xbone shouldve gotten a bosst like PS4. It's embarrassing having to explain the reasons why PS4 gets a boost and Xbone doesnt. Do a bit of a research on your own dude.