Arkaign said:
Truth! I am a MS hater, but I could easily build a plan to fix XBO in advance of this : Instead of announcing a $399 bare console for June (IDIOTS!! lol) Announce an immediate $399 Bundle price WITH kinect for all consoles currently in the marketplace (game of your choice via voucher, including watch dogs for the hell of it). Reimburse retailers for the difference. Combined with : $349 Kinectless bundle w/1 AAA launch era title of your choice (Forza, etc), and $429 Kinect Bundle, same deal. THAT would have jump started the damned thing, and headed them into E3 with some juice. $399 bare bundle will fail harder than $449 kinect + Titanfall did. It's just a weaker PS4. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy watching them flail about. |
I guess we know why you aren't running MS. Do you know how much money they would lose selling a Kinect bundle with a game for $399?