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Arkaign said:
I love it, Xb1 doing even worse than I predicted. It's no surprise the WD boost was almost all ps4. Better version, more content, higher social inertia behind ps4. Destiny will be even more of a beating for the xb1. It will be better on ps4 and everyone knows it. In fact, with bungie being far better than 343, the existence of a fantastic true heritage sci fi fps available on ps4 will end up hurting halo from a fake studio for a weak console that's getting crushed by ps4. Only the brand loyal are supporting xb1, the rest see it as a poor value for a console full of 180s, compromises, poor specs, and arrogant dismissive marketing and reveal.

This is the story of the gen. Xb1s tombstone is already etched as an also-ran. It will be remembered as a colossal blunder that surpasses even the ps3 for hubris and disappointment.

Oh and those WD sales compared to titanfall, what 3rd party will agree to a new exclusive deal with xb1? It would cost a fortune in lost sales to agree to do that. On the other hand skipping xb1 entirely becomes more and more of a no worry decision.

Maybe next gen Microsoft. After all, loyalty doesn't exist. I'm sure if they try again they won't make the same insane mistakes. The og Xbox is one of my fave consoles of all time. The 360 is great on many levels rrod notwithstanding. The xb1 is an abortion.


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