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joshmyersBV said:
sc94597 said:
ClaudeLv250 said:
I wonder if the Wii will still be in "a different market" when Kingdom Hearts 3 is announced for it.

Now that you mentioned it.

Million If the wii isn't competing how is it taking games from the ps3 such as MH3.


That's the only game and its not like the PS3 can't sell without it.

The Wii was aimed for the casual market, not the Hardcore gaming market and Third parties know that. Thats why EA made madden easy to play on the Wii. The Wii is still competing with the PS3 and 360 but not in the same market.

 That still means they are in competition even if it is one game. It still got games that were on the ps brand too such as Fatal Frame 5. 

Also read this then reconsider what casual is.