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I agree, Wii only sells because its cheap and not targeted at the hardcore audience and the media loves it. It does have a FEW hardcore games, but they are far from the main reason it is selling. Also the only thing it has in common with PS2 is shovelware and graphics capability. I do get frustrated with the Wii > PS3 + 360 threads. The Wii is not even close to these 2 great systems in quality software or hardware and will NEVER be. I have been fighting the online for Super Smash Brothers for almost a month now. Great game but I can't get the stinking online to work for more than 10 minutes and its laggy to no end. PS3 online is free and no lag. Come on Nintendo, there are still core gamers who play your console. I really only bought it for Mario Galaxy and Smash Brawl. Brawl is great and Galaxy was good, and the only thing on the horizon is Mario Kart for me.

Anyway, I always have to rant when it comes to the Wii. I was fully behind Nintendo when it was called the Revolution, but the day they announced it would be called the "Wii" I knew something was up. I just didn't know that it would have the power to bring down the Japanese game market and possibly upset the US market as well. I have gone from 100% supporting the Wii, to being frustrated to no end with it. Especially after the Monster Hunter fiasco. Meh, flame me all you want. I'm gonna go back to playing my 360.