Dadrik said:
random15 said:
Dadrik said:
Raziel123 said: So i assume this means the PS4 has definitely surpassed 8 million by now? 2 more weeks and it goes past Vita i guess |
It definitely did. But I think the PS4 numbers will slow down this year, since there aren't really big exclusives realinsing this year...
Except if the 3rd parties manage to sell consoles.
Destiny? And watch dogs did move PS4s
True, but I think Destiny have a bigger influence on XBO sales. Bungie is especially loved by Xbox fans.
Yeah but using vgchartz pre order numbers ( I know they are not the most reliable) we can see more demand for Destiny on PS4 add in the exclusive marketing of Destiny for Playstation 4, which is what watch dogs did and worked wonderfully for the playstaion 4, and we can expect to see it move more playstaions than X1s.