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fleischr said:

Prior to MK8 launch, the UK WiiU situation was pretty bad. Even worse than in Japan. There was already a LOT of room for improvement there.

And while Japan Wii U sales have been low, they've had a reasonably steady baseline.

Are we sure that the console wasn't supply constrained that week?

I know I'm a little late to this discussion, but no, there is pretty much no chance of supply constraints.

As of March Nintendo had shipped 1.81m to Japan.  Even if none have been shipped in the last two months, that leaves 40k+ on shelves at the end of this tracking week.

Anyways, pretty good software sales, but hardware is pretty dire.  The Wii U sold more hardware on the Pikmin launch week than on the release of Mario Kart.  The Wii U seems to always turn something that would have sounded like trolling into reality.  If it can maintain these sales or even build on them that would be good, but right now it is looking rough.