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naruball said:
Planetaryseizure said:

Hogwash, GAmes like wonderfull 101 is not a game that will attracy meainstream consumers.... Watch dogs is, and it is an excellent game (LOL at using metacritic), meta means nothing, what is 82 now was a 9 just 3 years ago, using meta is a laughable argument at best. USer scores?? MAss effectw as down in the 4's all popular games get reamed in user scores, another useless argument. Watch dogs is a great game of great quality, hacking is a great new mechanic that really gives choice in how to tackle each situation.

Since everything is so laughable how can one determine quality? No, seriously, you can't just say it's "an excellent game", put a "lol" at the end of your sentence and call it a day. You need to back up your claims with something. Excellent according to whom? You? Your friends? People who post on the internet? Are you going to ignore all the people that didn't like it and focus on the ones that did? And keep in mind that evil reviewers are gamers too. Why does their opionion not matter, but other people's does? How did the people who bought it knew it would be a good game? Simply put, it was a gable that paid off for some and didn't for others. Reactions are mixed. Simple as that. 

What evidence do you have that is not? I have more supporting my argument including record breaking sales for a new IP.