HideoK said:
It has a different trophy list. You could say the trophy list is more "complete" also as it actually requires you to beat the game this time. Unlike the PS3 version where you only had to get to level 6 or 7 to get all trophies. I'm currently playing through it on hardcore mode, where if you die it sends you back to the beginning of the level, there's a gold trophy for that. Also the game comes with the Trine 2 DLC and there is a trophy for each chapter for that. I think the DLC was previously only available on PC. |
Cool, thanks for that info...will now try to obtain this new Plat once it's available (Australian PSN updates this Thursday)
Kinda funny, Trine 2 was WTF easy for a Plat I mean it was way easier than the frist trine...I'm glad they bumped up the trophy difficulty, I don't find merit in piss easy Plats...the challenge is what gives them their worth. Well that’s what I reckon.
I've Platinumed Knack, Diamond Knack was da Boss...getting the 10 Diamonds though was hell...had to farm the 7 Diamonds I had left despite doing 2 play throughs on hard.
Now I'm Playing Wolfenstein: The New Order...fucking loving the game. I really like how Blazkowicz whispers to himself random stuff about his past or comments on what's happening around him...I don't know how to explain but it makes him human despite being one fucked up individual....although his GF doesn't sound right either XD
I really like the games 60FPS and clean graphics, the textures however....there hit and miss, for the most part there really good but when they’re not there will be a knife on a table which actually a low rez texture, or a barrel next to what has the shape of a barrel but the textures are so crap I can't make out what exactly the dev wanted them to look like...As for pop-in, I've played at least 16 hours and I think I may have been texture pop-in like once or twice from memory, though I don't run the stock HDD cuz as soon as I got my PS4 I swapped it out for a 1TB Seagate hybrid drive, it's a 5400rpm HDD but has 64MB cache and it's 8GB SSD for its hybrid part....so maybe the SDD part is doing its thing.
In any case, Wolfenstein: The New Order is a must Plat, no online grind BS, fun and enjoyable...dual wield sniper rifles? sure, it's useless but why the fuck not XD