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There is a loooooot of spin happening in this thread. To the point where I am reading that it makes no sense splitting graphics from gameplay as one is designed to serve the other?????? Wow.......

And are we somehow saying that MK8 is technically comparable to I:SS because it runs at 60fps? Like seriously?

Anyways to OP, this is what I think. Nintendo fans that are "still" fans of nintendo are fans of nintendo for a reason. They don't care about the things that others that have moved on from nintendo care about. That cartoony look that nintendo embraces with every game, is made for their fans. And as long as nintendo keep s making those games, their fans will keep following them, until they want something else.

There is nothing wrong with this. I could go into why nintendo makes games the way they do, but rather i would just say that they build the best games for their hardware. Do people think that nintendo doesn't care about things like global illumination and hyper realistic reflections and AA? Or about ridiculous poly meshes and super detailed textures? Of course they do, if they didnt then their games will still look like how they looked like with the N64. The fact is simple, nintendo will make the best hardware possible that they can sell for $250 and make a profit on it. So be rest assured, when nintendo can make a console as powerful as the PS4 and sell it for $250 while making a $50 profit; they are gonna do it. Then nintendo fans will suddenly care about the things we care about now.