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Ka-pi96 said:
kreznik said:

Weren't we talking about making money? Halo 5 would sell twice as much or maybe a little more if going third party, the same for Uncharted or God of War. And since Sony is losing money like crazy it wouldn't be a bad idea to going third party (and I know that their PS division is doing good financially). Actually, it is more possible that we see the video game divisions of MS or Sony going third party first than Nintendo. Also, don't forget how good 3DS is selling and how Vita is struggling globally (wasn't Sony not struggling to get people to buy their consoles? Or will we say conveniently that portable consoles doesn't count when it comes to judge the situation of both companies?), we aren't talking about a critical situation for Nintendo here. Even in the GameCube era the system was selling at a profit since the beginning and the GameBoy Advance did it real good too.


Who knows, maybe the next generation Nintendo would be back on top of the sales again or maybe not (who would have thought back in 2005 that the DS and that project Revolution would be the sales phenomenon that they were?) Maybe Sony will win this generation (in home consoles of course), maybe not, this is just getting started.

Going third party would be a terribly decision for Microsoft and Sony. Their exclusives wouldn't sell enough extra to justify it. Most of their gaming revenue comes from the platform royalties they receive from 3rd party games sold on their systems. That is why Nintendo would benefit more from it as they get much much lower third party sales on their consoles and so have to rely mostly on themselves.

Or they could sell their video game divisions to someone else too. (Forbes: Microsoft Should Give XBox One To Nintendo) Sony recently sold their Vaio divission, with that they exited from the PC business.

If things go really bad, whoever that buy that division could make radical changes to them (for good for the company that would own it and for worse for the fans).


P.S. Nintendo buying Xbox would be a bad idea. Like I said that time, the author of that article doesn't know shit about both companies. I just put that link for example purposes.

P.S.2 Shorry for my english.