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dj2one said:
I finally reached level 23, my trophy pace is off now I'm still interested in them but have lately not been motivated to do the things that lots of trophies require like online boosting and watching walkthroughs. I should be able to finish up Wolfenstein this weekend and still slowly working towards plat on Killzone SF, Battlefield 4 and Rayman Legends.

Props to the top dogs in this league though I dont know how you do it. Also, Arc is awesome for keeping this league update to date.

The top dogs... yeah looking back at my trophies I even question it... How did I find the time to collect 117 plats and nearly 9,000 trophies and manage to hold down a 8-5pm M-F job and have a social life. Although I didn' t have a serious girlfriend for the first 4 years of collecting. Yeah that certainly helped! Actually it would have been impossible for me to achieve this back in college, I barely gamed on PS2 back then, was more focused on my studies. High school would have been really tough too because I played sports week days would have been shot for gaming. Monday-Thursday week nights are my best time to game now.