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I am hard as hell on MS but don't see a problem in throwing 360 owners a bone (hah). Only minor issue is a few people might buy this for their 360s instead of going xb1, who have already or will buy ps4.

Cross gen, hard to say if that matters here. It's a racer, with as little variation as they typically have I don't think the xb1 version will be held back.

Forza 5 engine, meh. I'm an old Forza fan starting with the first og Xbox game, and it was my main reason for preordering an xb1 (after the DRM 180). When I got it I was really disappointed. It was a huge downgrade from the e3/early footage version, content was weak, it was half the game compared to previous entries.

I hope they make it 720p and put the detail way up, they cut HUGE corners to hit 1080/60. And the microtransactions with cut back content and technical issues with my first xb1, after I got my warranty replacement I sold it all and will probably never buy another xb1 again. Gears, Fable, Halo are dead to me.

They definitely are taking a chance if they don't bump the res down to up the details, as DC will likely crap all over H2.