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DonFerrari said:
fps_d0minat0r said:
padib said:
the-pi-guy said:

Everything is always under scrutiny by someone.  

So you had no complaints about the Cube controller adapter or the 2DS?  

Last time I checked, I heard almost no complaints about the PS4, but incessant complaints about the X1 and WiiU.

There's a reason for that.

Also, kaz gifs are a thing for a reason. Nintendo fans have "It prints money", Sony fans have an innumerable number of gifs. That's humility.

If it did have as many complaints do you think it would still be beating the xbone or wii U?

Dont you think theres some sort of connection between having the least complaints and it being the most successful console this gen?

It makes perfect logical sense to me.

Having the best console doesn't correlate to bigger sells... Just look at the other thread were someone relate Europe calling consoles "playstations" not to the high quality and good games but just to blind brand allegiance (of all people in the whole continent).

Sony is not allowed to have a good product. It seems hard to accept that the reason Sony fans don't brag so much is because they are used to be on top and other crowd avoid a little to complain about them. And not to forget the mods are quite unforgiving on Sony fanbase when they are trolling (can't say about other fanbase because I don't belong there nor write their movements).

maybe thats why your so disappointed because you think consoles with so many flaws can be no.1 over a console whcih had done the vast majority of things right.

Just go and do some basic research. In comparisons, PS4 beats xbone and wii U in most things so naturally less complaints should be expected.

Its not rocket science.