CommonNinja said: I think sony will have a good conference, and I am expection them to have 1 big AAA Unanounced game comming this holiday. Sony e3 Prediction: 3rd Party: Destiny, AC Unity, Batman Arkham Knight, GTA V Ps4, FFXV, & MGSV. 1st/2nd Party: Driveclub, The Order 1886, Sony Bend Game, TLOU, GG new IP teaser, & "Project Beast" + [WILDCARD -----> Either TLG or UC4 teaser] Indy Games: Indy games Montoge, Rime trailer, & New promising indy game. Other: Talk abouut PS Now, Playstation VR, Sales Stats, PS+ instant games collection, & new features for PS4. |
Why would AC Unity be at the PS4 conference though? Ubisoft has their own.