Nearing half way through my very hard playthrough of Knack...using Diamond Knack is making the job pretty cruzy, But man of man farming the Diamonds crystals was a fucking chore...worst part of the game.
As for the EU PS+, it's.....meh. Last months games were much better.
I've already platinumed Trine 2 on the PS3, does this 'complete' version have a different trophy list or is it the same as the PS3 version?
TBH, I would preferred they just gave us Knack for this months would have saved my poor PS4 from having to constantly spin up/down/up the frigging disc each time I kicked out of the game in order to farm those dam Diamond knack crystals.
Oh well we gots what we gots, here's hoping for much better PS+ games for next month :)