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HD DVD format may be out but Microsoft continues to remain steadfast in its determination of not adopting Blu-ray format. The speculation about Xbox 360 integrating Sony s high definition DVD technology was put to rest when a senior Microsoft executive said that Xbox was not in talks with Sony nor did it have any plan to use Blu-ray.
In an interview to a news agency, Aaron Greenberg, group product manager for Xbox 360 denied any move to integrate its arch rival s technology. Greenberg s statement assumes significance since speculation was rife about Microsoft s next move following the collapse of the HD DVD format which was headed by Toshiba and supported by Microsoft. The HD DVD conglomerate had to bite the dust after major Hollywood studios announced their support for Blu-ray.
With Microsoft snubbing the only surviving high definition format, there are now talks about the Redmond-based internet giant launching its own high-definition format. There are reports that though HD DVD has lost the disc war, Microsoft is looking at other platforms including Xbox Live to make a fresh assault with its HD format. Xbox Live is a popular movie rental service and according to Greenberg, the only console offering digital distribution of entertainment content.


Why There Is No Blu-Ray For The Xbox 360

Some say Microsoft chose poorly when they backed Toshiba's HD DVD standard, and that had Microsoft backed Blu-ray instead, there wouldn't have been much of a format war.  There's another group, including Michael Bay, that thinks Microsoft intentionally chose a standard that they didn't think would win in an attempt to undermine consumer confidence in disc formats altogether.  Why?

So they could build up their HD content on their digital distribution service:

"Microsoft has been expanding the HD video capabilities of both Vista Media Center and Xbox Live Marketplace. The Marketplace's HD content library is modest today, but the software giant clearly has plans to change that.

So, let's put everything together. Microsoft has a popular gaming console and an operating system that are HDi compatible. It also has a group of developers working on HDi applications, and a 360-accessible HD video library that could feasibly be outfitted with next-gen interactivity features. All that's left is the dog and pony show needed to convince content providers that HDi-enhanced content and Microsoft's video outlets are key to making HD video downloads a viable revenue stream."

If this works, Microsoft might stand a good chance of leaping ahaead of rival Apple.

"Back off, man. I'm a scientist."

Your theories are the worst kind of popular tripe, your methods are sloppy, and your conclusions are highly questionable! You are a poor scientist. Especially if you think the moon landing was faked.

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