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So yeah, I'm not usually one for making new topics, but hell I feel like just talking, no game related shitstorms or anything, just good ol' fashioned talk! If I seem perky (and I do hope I'm giving that impression!) it's because I've had an absolutely fantastic month, and being the pissy pessimist I usually am this is a great state of mind for me haha. 

Ok, well after failing my uni degree in 2007 and having an incredibly shit year full stop I'd been spending months trying to get a job, well this month I finally landed a job (woo!) and in general things have just been on a happy note. Well I'm putting a long story very short there, but yeah things are wicked lol. I've also turned 21 today, coming of age as they say (who are 'they' anyway?), so there's two things to celebrate.

 The third, is receiving my first pay this friday haha. This job I have is pretty shit admittedly and the pay is lousy, but your first ever pay is always gonna seem huge! Anyway I'd counted up that the hours I'd done so far (I'm being paid monthly here and I started on the 10th) would rack up £450 or so before I get taxed. Well I got my payslip today telling me how much I'm gonna get, and wow! I've been paid £560, with only £26 tax, this Friday I will have £534 plus some money I got today for my birthday, wooooooooooooooot!  I've been telling myself that I will be sensible with my money but of course I'm wanting to treat myself, and this is how the vision goes...

I'm imagining myself playing on my spanking new Xbox 360 Elite whilst sitting on one of these:


A Sumo-Lounge Omni beanbag! Maaaaaaaan they look so comfy, but yeah, I'm playing an Elite on one of those, hooked up to this badboy of a 1080p HDTV at a stupidly cheap price! So yeah, nice huh?


This friday when I do get paid, I've been invited to stop over a friends for a couple of nights to get stupidly drunk and celebrate my birthday and job hehe. The sunday when I come back home I'm gonna head into the nearby Gamestation and pick up a 360 Elite, it happens this weekend!

 I know I can't be too daft with my cash, but if I'm lucky what I currently have plus the may might even leave me in enough of a safezone to be able to get that beanbag, then I'm already halfway there! The HDTV has a finance option for getting it now and not paying until this December!


So yeah, this Sunday, I get an Xbox 360! I'm gonna get the VGA cables and hook up my 19" widescreen monitor in the meantime until I can think about getting that HDTV. Like I said - right now, things are goooooooooooooood!


Happy happy happy!!!!