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Xenostar said:
jlmurph2 said:

Just saying, it was throughout the whole year and not just holidays that Wii was supply constrained.

Fair enough still an acheivment for a £350 console to outsell a £179 console for 6 months, especially when the bottom has fallen out of console gaming in Japan. If you look at just western numbers, PS4 is still significantly ahead. 

I thought this thread was about Worldwide? But trust if the Wii was available like how the PS4 is/was for these 6 months, there wouldn't be as many of these excuses. Bottom line is that it's not logical for this gen to last as long as 7th gen with how fast tech is moving now. So if PS4 wants to sell more than the Wii, it has to do Wii numbers/better than Wii numbers, which it won't. What's gonna be the excuse when Wii passes it in western numbers too?