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Stever89 said:
disolitude said:
FreeTalkLive said:
 Sony tried something very different this generation and it has hurt their bottom line.

I'm sorry...what did Sony try that was so different from PS2.

Sony to do checklist for ps3:

1. Include latest media drive - check

2. Make an all powerful graphics processor that is hard to program for - check

3. Hype games 3 years in advance - check


There are a few differences though. The DVD drive was already a few olds when the PS2 was launched, and was guaranteed to be the next format. It was also a lot cheaper. According to this website, the DVD was released in Japan in late 1996, a good 3 years before the PS2 was released. As for blu-ray, it was released somewhere in 2006 (as far as I can tell from this site), a whole couple months before the PS3 was released. Als, it's much more expensive than a 3 year old DVD drive in the PS2. Also, blu-ray was not guaranteed to be the next movie format.

As for the all powerful graphics processor which was hard to program for, it was hard to program for... but it wasn't he all powerful graphics processor, since both the GameCube and Xbox had better graphic capabilities.

The third part yes, that is true. Hype hype hype.

You are correct... but I guess that ties in with the hype as I had no clue and still I don't know what graphics processors gamecube and Xbox used.

However it was clear form day 1 day PS2 has an Emotion Engine...and that it will make games graphics look like Jar Jar from star wars.

In any case, don't get me wrong...its cool that Sony and Microsoft are bundling stuff together at a loss. I hope that doesn't change in the future and that we keep getting latest hardware in our consoles. Nintendo can come up with as many wii-mote waggling games they want...they will still come second fiddle in the eyes of developers until they start selling the latest hardware. The best developers make games to be the best they can be...not solely to make money.