think-man said: Dragon age is too high, average franchise needs to have some downvotes. |
So the first Dragon Age gets rated a 91, because Dragon Age 2 is crap aside from the change in gameplay which was good, now everyone hates the series?
Watch this 30 minute off screen gameplay video and you might change your mind. Dragon Age Inquisition is going to be GotY.
The new Dragon Age is like Dragon Age 2's combat mixed with Diablo,mixed with a little bit of Kingdom's of Amalur combat. The combat in Kingdom's of Amalur was all the game had going for it, well the idea is used a little bit in Dragon Age Inquisition, where it's still an RPG, but it's a little bit more action oriented so your skill in combat will slightly effect the outcome rather than just your strategy and how powerful your characters are.