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Adameh said:

Why do you like your console maker? Say which you perfer out of the big three and why.


I like Nintendo because with their games, they are always varied, and you can preorder without the fear of it being a shit game. You also don't need to worry about DLC (less so now), online passes and paying for online in general.


No flame wars pls

Software in some cases for me yeah but its hard to fail on something that its proven itself when you just make subtle changes to successful franchises. I thought your post was about hardware. If it was about hardware I would say I love their focus on innovation but I they always go half way through with it. They again stay safe by not making a powerful system. A powerful system would cost a lot of money and then they might take a hit. Of course innovation costs money and some of that was put went to the controller.

Overall though, I think they are all great. They all have their negatives and positives. I like Nintendo because of their history and push for innovation in hardware. I like Sony for innovating and taking risk with new IPs and learning their lessons with the PS3. I like Microsoft for not being stubborn and making necessary changes to stay competitive (Games with Gold, No DRM, Better Indie Support).