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Haters gonna hate.....

That aside, most gamers unfortunately won't know or at least accept that the theory of diminishing returns really does apply to games and we are getting to that limit. The geometry/LOD part of games is all but maxed out now and so is texture quality. What is really gonna push the envelope this gen will be lightning, reflections, material accuracy and if we are lucky AI. Next gen it will be all of this dialed up to 11 and running at 4k.

At that point, it will become less about the hardware and more about the developers making the games. Graphics isn't an infinite criteria, at some point, you would actually need apps or special equipment (ie. your eyes wouldn't be able to detect them) to detect what the differences are between games on platforms. But as usual, when you know that one game runs at 62fps@4k and another runs at 60fps@4k you will suddenly be able to "feel" that difference.