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vivster said:
Justagamer said:
What's the motivation from certain console owners with this uncontrollable urge to bash mario kart 8? There sure is a lot of guys trying their hardest to downplay this game, for whatever reason. 720p and no aa? What's it matter to you guys, you aren't going to play it anyway, so why are you trying so hard?

No one is bashing MK8.

This thread is to highlight Nintendo fan hypocracy. Remember them dancing in the street when it was "announced" that MK would have 1080p60? Parading themselves, gloating about the hidden power of the WiiU. All the while always pretending as if graphics don't matter.

Also it matters greatly to me because I have to buy this WiiU soon, just to play its games. Miyamoto is personally forcing me to do so. So I have all the right to complain about what a weak piece of hardware the WiiU is.

You are bashing MK8. And nobody is forcing you to buy a WiiU. If you don't want to buy it, don't buy it.

So, this thread is to highlight Nintendo fan hypocracy, is it? You started the thread. Yet...

vivster said:
RolStoppable said:

I don't think it's an illusion. But if the claim is that hypocrisy is what this thread is about, then vivster should make a compilation of quotes.

I started it as an innocent "posting a fact" thread. But the people turned it to the "nintendo fans hypocrisy" thread. It's totally out of my hands now.


vivster said:
padib said:

The hypocrisy is an illusion, we are not a symbiotic mind with mirror image abilities.

I don't believe you. Every Nintendo fan I ever met said the game looked AMAZING. That's what a hive mind would say.

vivster said:

Nice that you don't notice it. Some people though own a PC and a 1080p monitor. They're used to crisp images in full detail. Now imagine someone like that suddenly to be confronted with this.

[MK8 no-AA Meme.jpg]

No this does not look amazing. This looks like something I had to suffer through on the weak piece of hardware that was the PS3. Yet some people want to make me believe this is somehow next gen. If this is next gen I have every right to be disappointed. PS4's hardware is already disappointing enough.

If console gaming is not up to snuff for you, then don't play on consoles. Personally, I was delighted when I heard about the 1080p 60fps claim, it was something I hadn't expected, and was very excited about. But when the confirmation came that it was 720p, I was disappointed but not bothered, it's absolutely fine. Is that hypocracy? I don't think so. And don't call me part of a hive mind.

You may have started this thread just by posting a 'fact', but since then you have gone out of your way to try and persuade that MK8 looks awful by posting pictures blown up for people to view on screens theyre not going to be playing it on, at a distance they're not going to be playing at.

This is sour grapes - if it's not up to your standards, then just forget buying your WiiU and shut up about it. Don't go spoiling it for others by trying to nitpick things they really are not going to notice while they're playing the game. Let the rest of us make our own decision without calling us hypocrites or a hive mind.