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vivster said:
Hedra42 said:
vivster said:
gladiator said:


i was looking at the full resolution pics from the digitail foundry article, and holy hell is the game ugly when your not moving fast.


That's what I've been saying all along. It looks amazing... if you look at the tiny screens and videos. Once you blow it up on a big 1080p screen it rears its ugly head.

But most people who praise the game's visuals don't bother doing that.

I was looking at the full resolution pics, and I get that stuff like this will show when blown up on a big screen. But will it be an issue? I don't know. I'm not going to be playing the game standing 18 inches away from that screen.

Scrutinise anything hard enough and there will be holes to pick - me, I'll reserve my judgement until I put the disc into my Wii U.

Having a sizable library of PS3 games I don't have to wait to see how it will look like on my tv. There are plenty of examples for games with 720p and no AA. TLOU had 720p with very weak AA and I hated it for that(the game was great but it was held back by hardare limitations). Now MK presents us the whole thing without AA. My standards did not deminish over the past year so MK8 has to go up against that. Weak or nonexistant AA were the reasons why I never could get into Darksiders or Dragon's Dogma.

I've learned to look past that kind of stuff on consoles in general, can't be asking for PC quality stuff on them, or you'd never be able to enjoy console exclusives.