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fps_d0minat0r said:
dahuman said:
fps_d0minat0r said:
The low resolution and lack of AA would be understandable if the actual graphics were impressive, but even they are below average.

I don't know man, I haven't seen a Kart racer looking this good at 60FPS on consoles at 720p yet, I mean, I don't know what the fuck Rare or Media Molecule are doing these days, but they sure haven't topped MK8 yet on awesomeness. Hell, they never even topped MKWii on actual gameplay on duct taped Gamecubes, so I don't know if graphics is really the key thing, then again, I actually do play a lot of games that are spread across different platforms, so maybe I just don't see games the same way as a company focused person.

Youre the one talking about different companies and studios so clearly you are focused more on that than the facts which DF presented.

I've always known that the game is 720p with no AA so that part clearly never really bothered me and I never understood why people went crazy over speculating it being 1080p to start with. Your post had a few problems in it's own if that's your reply since it'd make your original post to not make any sense at all. What's average? What are you comparing it to or with? Where is your actual valid argument? Are you comparing MK8 to the likes of Uncharted or Halo where the comparison wouldn't even make sense or are you comparing to the same genre. I'm primarily a PC gamer with a pretty decent rig and I can't even say that MK8 looks "below average" because that'd be ridiuclous. You said something baseless with no examples to back up your supposed claim or opinion then reply with confirmation that you are baseless other than possible bias. That's not how you get respect, that's just straight up trolling that's too obivous which is worth about 0/100.