the_dengle said:
Is Mario Kart some kind of visual novel now? We have seen tons of direct feed gameplay, and the consensus all around is that the game looks fantastic. Use your own senses to look at the game. Then apply the technical side. You'll find you are more impressed with the craftsmanship. Imagine looking at two visually identical games: one is 1080p with AA, the other is 480p with none. Which is the more impressive feat? Here we are faced with a game that many think looks as good as or better than anything on PS3/360, without the need for AA. Why shouldn't I consider that impressive?by |
these are direct feed pics from DF. there are no reviews that claim that it looks better, or even techically better then 360/ps3 games, that only people that claimed this were nintendo fans, they also claimed batman, AC4 and COD were looking better on wiiu, infact they swore by it, when DF article came out, it was the opposite, running at a worse frame rate and missing effects.