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I'll have to disagree, by giving you the most simple example:

Mario 64 and Mario Galaxy. Mario 64 was an excellent game, a game any player would love to play, no doubt about it and Mario Galaxy was the game that rightfully succeeded Mario 64 as a game, he even states this himself. Mario Sunshine, while a good game and sold well, can't be compared to these two games developed by Miyamoto.

Same I see happening to StarFox, he would mix what was great in the clasic StarFox and StarFox 64, and would make of that StarFox Wii. Sure, STarFox Adventure was an AMAZING game, no doubt about it, but it fits in an entirely different genre when compared to the gameplay given in the StarFox series. StarFox Assault was an awsome game aswell, it would fit in the classical gameplay of StarFox but didn't give us what we expected. Now, this is what brings me to my last point.

The case is repeated on Mario, Mario 64 and Mario Galaxy are AMAZING, EXCELLENT games but why it this? It is because it sticks to the classical Mario gameplay and story, Mario Sunshine fixed this up a little and went on a different direction, one that wasn't too well for followers of the series.

StarFox 64 has the gamplay and story EVERYBODY wants, STarFox Assault mixed this up a little, and thus StarFox Wii would, if developed by Miyamoto, would mix what is good in StarFox 64 to bring us what we want in the possible Wii version.

Maybe its difficult to understand what I'm saying, but its just my point of view.