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think-man said:
Play4Fun said:
think-man said:

Yeah and you can't prove that PS3 wouldn't have won if it didn't do blah blah blah, you can spin it anyway you want it doesn't make it a fact it's still an opinion that I didn't agree with.

I had already said: No It's more to do with Xbox, the Wii would have sold the same amount but The PS3 would have been more successful against the xbox and maybe put another 30-40 million if it didn't let xbox get ahead. Contrary to what alot of people believe I don't really consider Sony and Nintendo home consoles to really be in battle with one another, they seem to want different markets. Sony and MS though and trying to get the same gamer.

then you said: Nintendo won last gen because they made good decsions with the Wii, not because Sony fucked up PS3. What total nonsense.

then after that I said: "each to their own" meaning if you don't agree with what I said from the start then whatever it's all opinions in the end of the day. Non of it can be proven unless you can a time machine we can borrow.

I didn't change my stance the whole thread.

This post:

 Nintendo won last gen because they made good decsions with the Wii, not because Sony fucked up PS3. What total nonsense.

wasn't a reply to that post:

 No It's more to do with Xbox, the Wii would have sold the same amount but The PS3 would have been more successful against the xbox and maybe put another 30-40 million if it didn't let xbox get ahead. Contrary to what alot of people believe I don't really consider Sony and Nintendo home consoles to really be in battle with one another, they seem to want different markets. Sony and MS though and trying to get the same gamer.


You can see that in the quote tree it was a reply to the post before  that,so not sure why you are trying to twist things. 

Anyways,like I said, no need to repeat myself. Everything is in the post I linked to before.

They were all on the same page, you read it and replied to it so you knew my stance I don't just change my views in 5 minutes so you starting this whole discussion over such things is strange, just stop being petty about the whole thing. Coming onto my wall trying to dominate me into giving in. Just admit you're wrong and we can move along.

They were on the same page but I quoted your first post before you made the post explaining what you meant. You had not posted that yet when I wastyping my reply.

You must be really submissive if this light hearted post," Just admit I'm right and end it already." was dominative to you.