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Phantom-Lord said:
padib said:
Phantom-Lord said:

Again your post provea crap, post total WW ssoftware sales since 1995 for sony and nintendo....your post is meaningless. TotAL, meaning all software sales, including third party software..... Who has sold more hardware and software.

You don't know the numbers. Nintendo has been consistently at the top of the publishers list, even during the days of the PS and PS2... Above EA and Take Two, above Ubisoft.

Of course I don't have total WW software, nobody does...

However when the publisher tables were posted on vgcharts, Nintendo was always on top. You just can't know that since you're probably very young.

LOL it is obvious sony has more then double total hardware and software sales since 1995, the N64 and gamecube got rooled by sony as is the wii-u please.

Let's fact check that claim:

PS- 104.25 PS2- 157.68 PS3- 82.79 PSP- 80.78 Vita- 8.23 Total - 433.73
N64- 32.93GC- 21.74Wii- 101GBA- 81.51DS- 154.883DS- 44.50Total – 436.56


Yep looks like double to me.....