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Play4Fun said:
think-man said:
Play4Fun said:

But I was never arguing about the Wii's sales? so how can I lose lol you're a very confused man. I was always talking about the PS3 vs xbox so you can win the argument you were having with yourself xD



think-man said:


Play4Fun said:


think-man said:


Anfebious said:


think-man said:






I mean that Sony lost the gen through bad choices not that Nintendo won it through good ones. I think Sony would have had it in bag if they didn't F it up.




Nintendo won last gen because they made good decsions with the Wii, not because Sony fucked up PS3. What total nonsense.




Each to their own.





Since I apparently had this argument with myself, i guess I must have logged on to your account to use it.

G'day, blah blah blah, whatever.

Yeah but like I said Sony would have won the gen if they took out Xbox, and wii would have still had the same sales. I don't know how many ways I can type that, you don't seem to understand where I'm coming from. Wii wouldnt have "won the gen on their good decisions" because they would have been 2nd with the same sales. This never had anything do with with the Wii, it was always an argument between the Ps3 and 360.

Now if you can't understand that then I dunno where to go from here cause we are going in loops.


Good day Sir!!!!!