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Terrible list, i mean seriously Bioshock 17th? Bad Company 2 69th? No Modern warfare 2 but they include Black Ops? No LittleBigPlanet 2? Rock Band, Assassin's Creed 2, Wii Sports and Minecraft shouldn't even be in the top 20. Grand theft Auto V is majorly over-rated, its still a fantastic game but there is far better games behind it on the list. Portal 2 should only be scratching the top 10 but they put it second. This whole list seems like top 100 most enjoyed games of the IGN employee's with only few games that deserve to be where they are. I thought Super Mario Galaxy 2 was quite better according to most Nintendo players, but its in 20th while the first takes 1st. Metal gear Solid 4 though is the icing on the cake for how bad this list is, i mean seriously 59th? along with God of war 3 in 66th is bullshit. Why the hell is Halo 4 in 28th, Halo 3 shits on the 4th and that's all the way back in 82nd? WTF! Grand Theft Auto 4 shouldn't even be on the list tbh.