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NobleTeam360 said:

Star Ocean The Last Hope.

I'm backing this one up.  I really don't like it :P.  If you check out the image on my PSN profiles I've actually been replaying it to try and finish it off.  I started on Roak when I picked it back up, got to that one space fortress/town and got to the boss that required the wind ring to get to.  Might try and press on, finish it, or might set it back down and try to finish it later on.


Dead Space 3.  Dead Space 1, 2, and Resident Evil 4 were always shooting games, and at points in all of those games, there's lots of times you're locked in a room, in an area, or going through several areas with non stop shooting.  Dead Space 3 is the same with a bit more shooting going on.

The Saboteur.  EA's GTA clone.  The storyline isn't as good as the latest GTA titles, graphics aren't as good, but one thing the game has on GTA4 and 5 easy are the missions and the gameplay.

Dante's Inferno.  Another EA game.  I'm sure most of the hate the games get are because they're EA games.  Imo, Dante's Inferno is much better than every game in the series that it rips off in everything but graphics.

White Knight Chronicles 2.  I've never played the first game, so I can't say whether the changes were big enough to make this a better game or not, all I know is that this game includes the first game updated to play like the second game.  This game is a horribly rated game, but to me, t's one of the best console RPGs I've played this gen.  It plays like a lot like Phantasy Star Online if Phantasy Star Online had a sort of ATB style battle system.

DmC Devil May Cry.  Storyline that's better than all the original DMC games.  The gameplay might be different, easier to do a wide array of stylish combos, etc, but it's good.  If not for Dante and Vergil looking different, I'm sure the game would have more fans. 


Dirge of Cerberus Final Fantasy 7.  I never see anyone talk about this now, but when it was released, itt either got hated on because it's it's a Final Fantasy by people who aren't a fan of the franchise, or by Final Fantasy fans because of how different it was from the rest of the series.  Story sucks, but one of my favorite shooters.