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windbane said:
Gballzack said:
Hopefully each stop using online gaming as an excuse for decreasing the content in the games they're comming out with. While an online experience is fun, it should only ever be suplemental, not a necessity of gameplay. Hopefully they also stop using their online services to blur the line between PCs and Game Consoles to allow them the convenience of less resources put towards quality control in that any flaw can be patched later. Why the hell should I have to download a patch for anything on a console game, even if its just a supplementary feature? Why are there upgrade crashes? Why is every flaw I left behind on the PC for the convenience of Consoles showing up in my Console Gaming?! Why do I need to play ranked online battles online to eek out the 60 dollars worth of gameplay I payed for? With higher production costs and increasingly longer development time tables on systems like the 360 and PS3 I see a continuing trend of the increasingly shorter and shorter single player aspect of the game and an increased dependency on multiplayer online functions to create the illusion of a much larger game with only the fraction of resources.

A lot of people like online games. You really do act like you work for Nintendo.

And a lot of people like a flashed out single player experience.

Gballzack is correct, a lot more games are starting to leave the Single player experience on the side and just release games with strong multiplayer. Of course, this is not true in all cases (Olivion), but I would love more games to improve their single player experience and have the multiplayer as an addition.

Wii games seem to be going this route, but most likely that's not through choice but because Nintendo's online system is so crappy. I'm all for single player and local multiplayer, that's the entire reason I bought a console rather than just upgraded my PC.

Help! I'm stuck in a forum signature!