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kingofwale said:
Bodhesatva said:

It really doesn't, KingofWale. Your defense of the RNG-based battle system (in your last post) and the dialogue (in your second to last post) both consist of this: other JRPGs also do it!

Which doesn't make it okay. That's not really a defense so much as an excuse; if I've done something wrong, pointing out that other people have also done something wrong doesn't make it okay.

Similarly, having a poor plot and poor battle system isn't suddenly good game design because other succesful games have done it.

I'm not saying that there aren't valid defenses of this game, I'm just saying that the one you've given (other games have also made this poor design decisions!) isn't acceptable.

Considering they give FFXII 5/5. THis game shouldn't be punish THAT hard for essentially same problem (of course FFXII did better).

Poor plot? Poor battle system? hmmm, have you played the game yet?

Absolutely not, I have no interest. I haven't tried to suggest otherwise -- it's why I entered this conversation as a critic of the review, not of the game. I expected to watch the review and see "wow that's totally unfair first he said X was bad but then he said X was okay," but he didn't do anything of the sort. He consistently pointed out his main issues with the game design, taking particular time to repeatedly mention the game's cliched and puerile dialogue.

There is nothing in the review that is contradictory or illogical, from what I can see. If you could point to specific things he says which seem to go against other things he's said -- either in this review or in others -- it would be another issue. But as far as I can tell, he gave his reasons for not liking the game, and while you may not agree with those reasons, they are logically sound. If I thought Gears of War was ugly because the characters were ridiculous and over-masculinized, that would be an acceptable opinion (I do think that, by the way). That's a sound, logical position I could back with examples. You don't necessarily have to agree with that position, but it's not illogical.

If you do not believe the dialogue is bad or that the battle system is repetitive and facile, that's another argument altogether, and I'd be willing to listen (particularly to the latter, as I don't want to get into another conversation about how Final Fantasy is "deep," which is a real argument I've actually seen someone posit). However, the argument you've put forward thus far -- that other games have made these design decisions as well and thus it's okay -- is not a valid position.">">