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FOOD said:
Bodhesatva said:

No one seems to be making any criticisms of his actual review, where he gave reasons for this score. Insipid, puerile dialogue that is both poorly written and delivered; uninspired, facile combat, and the continuing inability to skip cut scenes in S-E products.

Does anyone have any sound disagreements with those complaints? Other than just, you know, not agreeing that the dialogue is immature, which is a very difficult position to prove or disprove. There's nothing illogical or unsubstantiated about his position, but it IS just his position.

It's so easy to dismiss his review when he starts it with a biased line, like "If a game features good looking guys and an incredibly stupid dialogue, you know it came from Japan."

It's just such a bad generalization.

 This is a much better argument against the review. However, I'd point out that nearly all game reviews on the planet come with such snarky comments; it's intended to attract the male, 17-26 male demographic, that insists that abrasive humor be injected into everything they watch. Pretty much every game review has a wry comment like this, so if we throw out X-Play for this review, we have to throw out practically everyone else because no one in the industry is offering critique.">">