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Can I add a corrollary to the original statement - just because you care about a game doesn't mean anyone else will?

This is especially true of unproven franchises. How many people are hyped up over Lair or Mass Effect? Ask a typical gamer - meaning not the ones who are on message boards or reading magazines - they probably have never heard of them. While these could be this gens Devil May Cry or HALO, the odds are they'll be the next Bruiser, Eternal Darkness or State of Emergecy (or Red Steel).

I think it also extends to franchises that have seen a long period of absence (I'm lookin' at you Nintendo!). How many gamers actually remember NiGHTS? Will they actually care about a new version? Look at Metroid Prime- despite great reviews and a die hard following, it didn't even post Mario Party numbers.

In fact, the Next Big Thing often arrives with out much fanfare, as with Goldeneye and GTA3. Who knew that Brain Age would show such legs, or that one of the most talked about games this year would be a packed-in controller demo? For all we know, HALO3 and Smash Bros will get their tails kicked by Bob Ross: The Joy of Painting.*

*Though probably not.