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mai said:
Badassbab said:
mai said:

On unrelated note...

Badassbab said:

Putin talks about the rights of ethnic Russian speaking people in other lands, what about the rights of Tartars and Chechens who would rather not be a part of Russia? Hypocrisy at it's worst.

When was last time when "Tatars and Chechens who would rather not be a part of Russia"? I could understand Chechnya some 15 years ago, you probably heard about it first time from the news :D But now it is scoring sky high as best Putin supporters (but of course it is all a fraud). But why Tatarstan all of a sudden for god's sake? You're talking with ethnic Tatar right now by the way, so careful with your BS.  <<<< Crimean Tartars don't want to be a part of Russia, they would rather have stayed part of Ukraine.

Chechnya is goverened by a brutal dictator and proped up (and bribed) by Russia not the population. Chechens would rather be independant, you only have to read a history book to see why, they too like the people of Ukraine have suffered terribly under Russian imperialism. If you can't even admit to that then really there's nothing more I can say to you on this subject.

a) the choice of Crimenian Tatars have been confirmed by recent referendum, what exactly in the article you referred to and the fact of the rally that has nothing to do with what you've assumed proves?

b) anything you can provide against the fact that Chechnya scored over 90% on the recent presidential elections for Putin aside of your half-arsed opinion?

Oh yes THAT referendum. You know the one where  96.7% of the voters under an illegal military occupation decided they want to be a part of Russia. Such astonishing results reminds me of Presidential elections held in Syria, North Korea and Iraq under Saddam and other similary free human rights loving democracies. There is no way it could have been a fraud ( ), especially when it had the backing of Russia which is a country where the the rule of law prevails, society is open, dissent is tolerated and the media is free. I'm certain Crimean Tartars (and Ukrainians) wanted Crimea to be a part of Russia all along given their wonderful history with them, after all the Mejlis of Crimean Tartar didn't boycott the referendum ( ) and the EODE who helped monitor the results said it was a free and fair voting process ( ). Oh just thought I'd mention Putin hates fascists which is why the EODE helped to monitor the referendum (unlike OSCE & the UN  who didn't send any observers...I wonder why?).

Yep Chechans love Putin, he only lauched a devasting war against them thats all. Again 90% +  for Putin is very believable, the elections again were free and fair, no fraud, nothing of the sort took place . In fact he's so popular some even voted for him more than once