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Badassbab said:
mai said:

On unrelated note...

Badassbab said:

Putin talks about the rights of ethnic Russian speaking people in other lands, what about the rights of Tartars and Chechens who would rather not be a part of Russia? Hypocrisy at it's worst.

When was last time when "Tatars and Chechens who would rather not be a part of Russia"? I could understand Chechnya some 15 years ago, you probably heard about it first time from the news :D But now it is scoring sky high as best Putin supporters (but of course it is all a fraud). But why Tatarstan all of a sudden for god's sake? You're talking with ethnic Tatar right now by the way, so careful with your BS.  <<<< Crimean Tartars don't want to be a part of Russia, they would rather have stayed part of Ukraine.

Chechnya is goverened by a brutal dictator and proped up (and bribed) by Russia not the population. Chechens would rather be independant, you only have to read a history book to see why, they too like the people of Ukraine have suffered terribly under Russian imperialism. If you can't even admit to that then really there's nothing more I can say to you on this subject.

This link is about mass gathering for annual event. Where does it say anything about "don't want to be a part of Russia". Only article writer asume that, but it's a given, because it's west-media.

As given the part about how he thinks that they mistrust Russians after 70 years. lol, I guess world still mistrust germans after WW II?))