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Badassbab said:
Sharu said:
Badassbab said:

USA, EU, OSCE and the UN call Holodomor a genocide. Putins Russia does not (this is Mai and his 'patriotic' stance). 

P.S Wikipedia rules.

If you read the link you've give, you'd see, that you're lying. This 'Joint Statement' is not EU/OSCE/UN official document. Asn it isn't state Holodomor as Genocide. 

It is an offical UN statement. Any organisation Russia is in and could block resolutions, the word genocide had to be dropped as a compromise but it's clear from whats written what it really is ( and it's not a natural disaster).

The document your quoted is not a resolution, therefore it can't be blocked. This is simply a statement that Russian Federation signed among many, the value of the document is zero.

Let me recap: 1) you quoted propagandistic materials that provide photo documents in order to get the viewer emotionally involved, while ignoring the fact that provided photo documents have nothing to do with the given subject; 2) you've not referred to a single historical document that could have supported your thesis, but few opinionated articles that does not refer to said docuemnts as well, but assume I should take smth they present as facts for granted; 3) you've insulted me multiple times even though I've provided few facts supported by historical documents that directly contradicts your opinion, which you just ignored.

Did I miss anything?