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Badassbab said:

Putin talks about the rights of ethnic Russian speaking people in other lands, what about the rights of Tartars and Chechens who would rather not be a part of Russia? Hypocrisy at it's worst.

When was last time when "Tatars and Chechens who would rather not be a part of Russia"? I could understand Chechnya some 15 years ago, you probably heard about it first time from the news :D But now it is scoring sky high as best Putin supporters (but of course it is all a fraud). But why Tatarstan all of a sudden for god's sake? You're talking with ethnic Tatar right now by the way, so careful with your BS.

See that's the playing fast and loose with the facts thing I'm talking about, hiding facts to try and make a point.

Afterall you are not a Crimean Tatar are you?  The ones intentionally starved and deported by the russians.


You are  a Siberian Tatar right?  

Ones who never really faced discrimination and who mostly don't consider themselves Tatars in the first place.  (I wonder if even you actually consider yourself a Tatar.)


Your expanding out the definition of Tatar from how it is meant in the thread "Crimean" to past even "all those who identify as Tatar" to include a wide group of Tatar's who often have more in common ethnically with non "Tatar" groups then each other because they often have very different origins and were simply just given the same ethnic overlapping name to lump them together because they all have vague possible turkish origins that vary widely.


It's like if someone made a an arguement that Cuban Hispanics don't vote Republican, because if you poll all ethnic Hispanics in the USA... they vote Democratic on average.

Of course, this example is unneeded since i fully expect you knew this and intentionally meant to do this.