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Untamoi said:
MoHasanie said:

I didn't mean it in a bad way. People that DVR shows aren't stealing anything, but its better for the networks and the future of your favourite shows if you watch your shows live. Well actually it doesn't matter what you or I do, because unless you are a Nielsen family, what you do doesn't affect anything. 

Yes, the TV networks have to adapt now but still they haven't. 

It may be better for TV networks that people watch shows live but is that they still don't understand technology. People are still prepared to pay for content and are paying just to get rid of ads even if content itself wouldn't change. That is why people pay for Netflix and other streaming services which have no ads.

Heck, people have a long time paid extra money for cable channels which don't have ads. I'm not from USA but I think for example HBO doesn't have normal ads at all and they still can afford to make expensive quality TV shows. If you can make big-budget TV shows without any ads, it just shows that something is wrong with traditional TV network thinking...

There's a problem with this. People wouldn't pay for the show(s). The problem lies in the massive costs to make a show/movie. The ads intially paid for the content to be made during first run. And then netflix licences it later. At a cost people like. If ads were fully removed from all Networks. Compared to HBO and the like. Majority of shows would be low budget, be short like HBO seasons, or not exist. Because costs to subscrible to netflix, other online places, and your cable company would have to increase a lot more than what you pay now. reducing people legally doing it. Think about it. 200 channels. All requiring $500,000-$1,000,000 per ep budgets.

Would people accept the price hike to fully remove ads from shows, from first runs? What would happen to companies in the first place? Your favorite movie thats coming out would have no traditional ad on TV. That toy matel is trying to make will now have no exposure. it's a really fine line there. It gets rid of the totally shit ads. But it also will get rid of your favorite stuff. Where would Nintendo, Sony, and Mircosoft show their ads? They be stuck on the internet only. The famous Super Bowl ads would be also gone.