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There is nothing pat worthy about coming to this conclusion. The writing was on the wall. No what is pat worthy is naming the exact month and the fact that this adds another shining example of those using logic and reason to defeat those that only know blind devotion and delusion. No this is not a celebration of being right, this is a celebration of proving those that defy reality wrong with exact accuracy.  This is vindication and justice for all the times reasonable and logical people have had to put up with the diluted ramblings of those that justify their predictions and beliefs with nothing more than imagination, unrealistic data, and unrealized dreams. S.T.A.G.E. is an example of logic and reason and those like him that predicted the date deserve respect for embracing reality and reason and not falling into the trap of blind devotion and delusion that so many fall victim to. We should all strive to be as logical and precise. For all those that fell into the trap and believed this would never happen let this sear into your psyche and may it give you pause the next time you are about to spout nonsense based solely on loyalty. Prevent making a fool of yourselves in the future by knowing now that:

All Hail the Jester King. The King is back, and I am still a dirty girl prof ;)