spurgeonryan said:
How were you naive? It is possible, while at the same time not dropping your standards. |
I think you also have to consider some things. First, most of those games you listed came out last year, and so I already owned some of them before the year started. Two, it isn't just about standards, it's about interest. I'm sure that 007 game is a fine game, but I have zero interest in it. I wouldn't be dropping my standards, but I'd be buying a game I don't want. Last, I don't want to force myself to buy a game just to reach a monthly quota. I definitely want to try out child of light, but I just didn't feel like it when it launched, and I wasn't going to rush in and buy it just to say I bought it before April was over.
Then there are games like Splinter Cell, which I have a vague interest in, but at this point I wouldn't pay more than $20 for it, and since I buy my games digitally, that means waiting a bit. But that's what got me to buy Darksiders 2 in March.