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I use Adblock. But I use it as a security feature. And or for abusive sites. Sites I go to normally I have ads allowed. Because that's the support they need. I use to run a YT channel. I had to give up because I lost a lot money from bad viewership and low income. $8,000 year in buying review items. Then the 8-20 hrs to edit episodes. All while doing schooling and another full time job. VS $1,000 a year... from ad revenue. I had VGC white-listed for a long time. But the ads would eventually totally lock firefox, or lag it. So I had to give up on them.

YT ads work this way. 15-30 second ads can't be skipped. Anything longer can be skipped 5 seconds after it starts. There is also a grace peroid. If you watch a lot of videos after each other. The video ads will not play most of the time. And only the pop up ones over the video will play. Any person who has a ad on the video itself is a YT partner. That's how you tell. YT will not put a ad on your video. Now if you steal content. The company owner can activate ad rev on your video. Which would make you think YT themselves put the ad on your video.