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DerNebel said:
fps_d0minat0r said:
DerNebel said:

Which is also exactly the point Pachter was making, if there's no money in the internet anymore then the content creators will go somewhere else.

The point pachter was making was that there wouldnt be any 'professional' reviews because they wouldnt do it for free.

The impact of this he makes it sound catastrophic, but all that would change is that there would still be plenty of reviews, they just wouldnt be done with the motive of financial gain.

I really dont think having movie quality audio and video matters in a review. The cheap equipment hobbyists buy to make videos just for fun are more than good enough, while their quality of reviews are actually better than those who seek targets to make money and skew their content accordingly e.g. the CPM deals.

Once again, its hard to tell whether someone who looks like a hobbyist is actually making moeny from their video or not, but assuming a world where there was no option to make money, PLENTY of good reviewers would still be out there making quality reviews.

The point is that a ton of quality and content would be lost with the money, your AngryJoes, Rev3s and Totalbiscuits all couldn't do what they do if they didn't make money with this stuff.

Cut out the money and you're left with a very bleak picture and if you actually believe that isn't the case then I can't help but call you naive. Do you really want to go back to the days of teenagers making videos in their bedrooms being the majority of Youtube content? Cause that's what you get when there is no more money involved in the whole business.

Of course there would still be people left that review games but not only would they be far fewer but the reviews would also be of lower quality (as in production value) and we probably would hardly be getting reviews before games actually release.

"Do you really want to go back to the days of teenagers making videos in their bedrooms being the majority of Youtube content"

sorry to inform you, but thats the way it still is, even for popular youtubers with millions of viewers e.g. PewDiePie

I cant help but call you naive if you think the money they get from advertising is going into improving their content because it doesnt. Its not like they buy cameras and software every other week, they most likely have a camera before they even contemplate being a youtuber, and I really doubt most youtubers have a legit copy of professional video editing software, if they are competent enough to make videos, they are probably competent enough to know where/how they can get the software for free. The money they do make from adverts goes towards their everyday purchases and if this stops, some might leave youtube and find other ways to make money, but it still wouldnt be enough people leaving to make a significant difference.

Even if they were not getting paid a single penny, there wouldnt be a difference in content for those who would still remain and make videos for free.. and there would be plenty who would remain. No-one would miss those who leave for longer than a day. If for example Pewdiepie or KSI left, someone else would take their spot and their content in terms of production values would be just as good since they dont do anything which have running costs.

The fixed costs are easily covered, its just a matter of whether they want to spend their time doing something for free or not, and contrary to your belief, there are millions of people who would. In the event advertising vanishes, you will still never have to ask yourself "why cant I find a good review for (insert game here)" The only difference would be that no-one would have to waste bits of their life watching adverts.