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I would be OKAY with Platinum making Star Fox, even though I'd rather have Nintendo do it themselves, IF:

1. They stay true to the franchise roots, and make it along the lines of SF64. No bullshit, just arcade shooting, period.

2. So long as they don't make it hard JUST to be hard, ala Panzer Dragoon Orta. "Challenging" is good. "So fucking hard I die every few minutes" is not.

Same goes for F-Zero. I'd honestly rather Sega NOT touch the series again. GX was alright, but I'd rather have someone like Next Level or Monster Games handle it, make it more balanced. GX got so fucking hard that at some point it was damn near impossible to get first, and it just got not fun to play. Which is too bad, because it had the makings of a great game. To me, X on N64 was much more balanced and fun to play.

Also, I know I've said this in other threads, and I know it's not the popular PM opinion, but if they're going to have a Paper Mario on Wii U, I'd personally LOVE to see them do a sequel to Super Paper Mario. That's my favorite in the series, I loved the hybrid of platformer and rpg, with the same quirky humor. It was a great, underrated game, and I'd love to see them take that formula and do even more with it.

As for the "rumored" Castlevania title, the only way I would even remotely care, is if it was SoTN 2, it was FULLY 2D (IE good), and it was Wii U exclusive. But none of that is likely to happen. So *shrugs*.