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Seece said:
A) They won't have shipped much from 1st - 6th april, they're not shipping 1m a month, sales are telling us that (Less than 250k across US and Japan alone for the entire April sell through.

B) They said OVER 7m, you or I don't know by how much. It could very well mean 360 shipped more the last 6 months.

Sony announced they had sold 4.2m PS4's as of the 28th of December 2013. That means from the 29th of December till the 6th of April they sold 2.8m to reach their total of 7.0m. That's 2.8m over 3 and a quarter months which is 862,000 per month and 200,000 per week. So yeah selling 200,000 in a week is normal, which means the PS4 was roughly at 6.8 million as of the end of March.

And yes Sony said over 7.0m and i've had debates like these in the past with people when a company has said they've 'sold over' a certain amount, but it's always the same result. If a company has reached a milestone of selling a certain amount why annouce it as being a date several days later than when it actually happened? That would make no sense, not to mention they are not allowed to lie about sales figures because they are bound by law to their shareholders. Sony said they had sold over 7m as of the 6th of April because it didn't happen a day sooner. So as of the exact date of the 6th of April that's when they crossed 7m and it makes no sense that on that one day they magically sold several 100,000's of PS4's when it takes them an entire week to sell 200,000. As of that date they were slightly over 7m not over 7.1 or 7.2 million.

But again this all comes back to my original point, it's still too close to call who is ahead at the moment and trying to state the 360 is all most certainly ahead right now when all the numbers we have show the PS3 is still selling more per month is asinine.