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curl-6 said:

Even the techheads can't agree on something so simple as the number of shader parts or which part of the GPU does what, not to mention what customizations may have been made.

You're posting guesswork as if it's fact.

Actually some of those "techheads" do have a consensus on this information and it's this ... The best 40nm AMD GPU at the GFLOPs per watt front is the 1GB edition Radeon HD 5870 so even if the latte did match it on that front with TDP of 25 watts the WII U would only at it's best case scenario have 362 GFlops. The catch is that lower end GPUs such as latte usually on average have a fair bit lower GFlops per watt compared to the higher end parts so it's very likely that it would end up at around 10 GFlops per watt which would make the WII U likely weigh in at about 250 GFlops. If it's anything we agree on it would be a RANGEIt's that the WII U most likely has less than 240 shaders!

We even had a developer here by the name of "Nyleveia" and he gave us a range of around 150 to 200 shaders. He basically confirmed that the WII U has LESS than 200 shaders.

Anthony's assertion isn't even wrong in the slightest sense of the word ...